Congratulations to Julia McCain, Leah Bennett, Mitch Pinto and Tariq Sainuddin on graduating this year!

Welcome to Anderson Fuller, our newest undergraduate to join the McFarland Labs team. Anderson will be continuing the work Mitch left after graduating, pursuing the photophysics and photochemistry of photosensitizers for PDT

All of our Honours undergraduates won CIC awards for their poster presentations at ChemCon 2015!

Mitch Pinto (NSERC USRA) will investigate the photochemistry and photophysics of metallodrug photosensitizers. Julia McCain (NSERC USRA)
and Leah Bennett (Acadia HSRA) will synthesize new classes of metallodrug photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy.

Jordan Gibson and Mat Stephenson present posters of their Honours work at the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Vancouver, BC!

Charlotte Fuller, Jordan Gibson, Marc Hetu, and Mitch Pinto receive awards at Science Atlantic ChemCon 2014!

Jordan Gibson, Dr. Sherri McFarland, Matt Stevenson, Marc Hetu
Jordan Gibson, Dr. Sherri McFarland, Matt Stevenson, Marc Hetu

Congratulations to Marc Hetu, Matt Stevenson, and Jordan Gibson on their graduation. 

Congrats to Huimin Yin on her acceptance to the Biology MSc program here at Acadia, where she will continue to work in our group toward her degree!

Our newest members Mitch Pinto and Charlotte Fuller receive summer undergraduate research awards! 

Jordan Gibson received an acceptance letter from...