CANCER SUCKS! Halloween Howl


For 5 years now, a man by the name of Joseph (Joe) Caldwell has donated money directly to the lab to assist with the research that is done there. As long as I have known him, Joe has worked at Acadia University as part of the janitorial staff and we always enjoyed when he stopped in for a chat. For more than a decade, he and his friend Shawna Hennigar, have been the main organizing forces behind the CANCER SUCKS! Halloween Howl, a local event created in memoriam of Shawna’s brother, and one of Joe’s close friends, Gordie Hennigar. Gordie, who passed away from cancer, is described as very unique, kind and inspiring. “Gordie was one of those people that loved bringing everyone together,” Shawna said, “I wanted to continue the tradition he began 20 years prior to his passing. To bring together good friends, good music, and good times. To share memories from the past and to create new ones for the future.” To honor him and his philosophy, she and her sister Debbie (who travels from Alberta every year to be here) decided to make the 20th annual pig roast into the 1st annual CANCER SUCKS! Halloween Howl.

To see the whole interview, click here.

To learn how to donate to the CANCER SUCKS! Halloween Howl, click here

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